low-energy house "KD 33"
2 ½ storied
living area 2 x 200 m²
total floor area 400 m²
inside floor plan variable
different construction stages available
illustrations contains partial special equipments
Moderna-Bau GmbH - your construction company.
From the cellar to the roof, everything made professional.
low-energy house "KD 33"
2 ½ storied
living area 2 x 200 m²
total floor area 400 m²
inside floor plan variable
different construction stages available
illustrations contains partial special equipments
Tel.: +49 (0) 26 87 - 92 79 80
Fax: +49 (0) 26 87 - 92 79 81
E-Mail: info@moderna-bau.com
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